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how does it work?
How does it work?

​The menu and groceries are pre-arranged together. I come to your home. I cook with fresh whole food and I stock your fridge and freezer with homemade meals - exactly what you ordered.​

  1. You are unique! First, we consult on your wants/needs, budget, freezer space/storage options, and ensure we are a right fit before planning a menu and scheduling a date.

  2. You receive your shopping list to approve 3 days prior to our scheduled date.

  3. On the day: Counter and sink space is clear, food storage space is available. I arrive, prepare food, and clean up. You are left with delicious and nutritious homemade meals.

How much will it cost?

My hourly rate is $60 / hour for food preparation services and you are responsible for your own food cost. Overall cost will depend on your preferences. For example:

  • Vegetarian meals may be cheaper than those including meat or dairy (but not always)

  • Organic food may be more expensive (but not always)

  • Meal prepping in bigger batches is the most time effective (time=$)

  • If you consume and preserve foods when they are abundantly available in season they are often cheaper (ie: make tomato sauce in tomato season, freeze berries in summertime!)

  • As a general rule I always try and use as many organically grown, local, and seasonal ingredients as possible (within $ reason) but the choice is ultimately yours to make.​

What if I have a special dietary need?

Any dietary need or personal preference will be accommodated. Food allergies and sensitivities, elimination diets, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free, keto, GAPS - no problem! 

How do we get the groceries? 

There are options:

1. You shop ​

​How does it work? I provide you with a shopping list after we design your menu. You get the items on my list while you do your usual shopping. This way, you get ultimate control of ingredients purchased and money spent.

2. Grocery delivery

How does it work? Depending on where you are located, different delivery options may be available. Some options include: Thrifty's, Save-On Foods, Spud, Cow-op etc.


3. I shop

How does it work? After we design your menu and you approve the shopping list you can add any items you wish and I'll take care of the grocery shopping. Hourly rate applies starting at the grocery store. Pre-payment/deposit required.

What if I have fridge/freezer/pantry items/CSA box items that I'd like to use?

I am more than happy to work with what you've got! With some advance notice we can even design a menu to proactively use up some of your freezer and pantry goodies. If you are flexible, so am I.

What containers are used for food storage?

I am happy to use whatever food storage containers you'd like (I am also a human who saves yoghurt containers) however I do recommend investing in glass food storage containers. Pyrex and Anchor brands both make excellent products that are safe for use in the freezer as well as in the oven at high heats and come in all shapes and sizes. They are affordable, non-toxic, convenient and last forever if well cared for. Mason jars of various sizes are also wonderful to use for meal prep and (leak free!) food storage. A small investment in convenient food storage is worth it long term.

Several pyrex containers filled with prepared meals
nutritionist seated on counter drinking fresh vegetable juice
Dietary needs?
Food storage?
Fridge items?
How much cost?
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